Thursday, July 9, 2009
紐約公園交響樂 在草坪上野餐聽音樂
enjoy and have a wonderful afternoon.
Friday, July 3, 2009
一、 中華民國(台灣)數個友邦駐聯合國代表團正招募實習人員,工作內容包括出席聯合國大會及主要委員會會議、撰寫紀錄及研析報告、協助代表團文書作業及其他交辦事項等。
二、 條件:
(一) 中華民國籍;具在美國合法工作資格,如OPT或綠卡。
(二) 英文能力(需聽、說、讀、寫均流利)。
(三) 具美國碩士學歷或研究所二年級科系,科系不拘,惟主修國際關係、法律者為佳。
(四) 工作期限:原則以本年8月至12月為主,視需要並將延長至隔年6月。能全職工作者最佳;若因課業或其他工作需要,一週至少需工作2個全天。
意者請將個人簡歷以電子郵件傳送至駐紐約台北經濟文化辦事處文化組(Alan Ng)之信箱:(。
Program Coordinator,Cultural Division
Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in New York
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Farewell, my friend
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Keep fighting. Don't look back!
Friday, February 13, 2009
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Which one do you like?
Two types of funny ads: one is low-budget, old-style drama; one, extravagant special-effect farce. The Norwegian ad has an ordinary script, but the director of this ad turns it into an amazingly fun commercial. The cute girl's angry reaction, aroused the boy's unscrupulous remarks (against a cow), fulfills every little boy's desire to tease their girl friend. Simply idea, and very well executed. I would say the male character's performance is far better than the female character's, because he makes every female want to spit on his face.
Japanese melodrama might let you watch one more time; not because it is so funny, but because its special effects wow the viewers. More and more Japanese TV commercials are using digital effect to create surreal, comic-style parodies. In this ad, it is mixing the actions in The Matrix, JoJo, Lefty (寄生獸), etc. It has the same ordinary plot as the Norwegian ad, but the production company makes it work.
Are these two ads showing the cultural differences between Japan and Norway?