No one covers your back. As a sales representative, you have to learn everything yourself. It doesn't mean that nobody will help, but that you have to ask for help. Well, we all ask for help sometimes. However, the key point here is that you even have to find questions, because other sales won't tell you what you will face and what mistakes you shouldn't make. It's like fighting with hundreds of people without partners, and growing little by little while you finish each of them. Live, or die.
Is that true? No. Look at all the big companies that need bail-out. These so called winners all want tax payers' money to save their jobs. The analogy of market place as battle field extends only this far. It's time for us to help each other, watch others' back, and collaborate with others. It's about mutual benefit and symbiosis. Let the selfish guys fight with their own lives. No matter how strong they are, there is nothing but death waiting for them on the battle ground.
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