Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Wedding Speech on June 7

Many Jakarta Taipei School's friends asked what I said in 翠's wedding, so I decided to write down my extemporaneous three-minute speech on this blog. Here is what I said in her wedding:

(開場自我介紹: 我叫朱澤人....)
我這次從紐約特地回來參加翠元的婚禮 因為我過去有六年的時間跟她是同學 看著她從小學五年級作業和課本常常忘了帶 一直到她考進台大
翠元個人的解釋是說 怕大家因為收到喜帖 要包紅包 這樣會很不好意思
傻子 錢不是問題好不好?
所以我今天集結了老朋友們的對翠元的感覺 帶來給翠元
我們這些朋友們都一致認為 翠元對朋友是非常真心的
大家有什麼感情上的苦惱或是煩心的事 都會想要說給翠元聽
因為她會很認真的聆聽你 雖然下一秒可能就忘了你說什麼
但是至少聽得時候很認真 我個人也有類似的經驗
高中時我有一次受到學業上的挫折 想要躲進廁所好好痛哭一場
不過翠元注意到了 結果她就一路跟我跟到廁所門口
我知道她想要安慰我 不過當時真是害我超尷尬
現在想起來 這件事很讓我感動 翠元對朋友是真心的沒話說
我在這邊帶上我們老同學的祝福 也希望翠元在結婚後不會忘掉我們 這些受過妳幫助 以及幫助過妳的人 謝謝。

After the speech, the bride came to me and said the speech was excellent. I think I give her what she wants--to hear her merits from an old friend's mouth. I don't have to harp on her and warn her about what marriage should be. All I have to do is to remind her what she is in our eyes--an sincere, caring, and lovable friend--and to hint that her oblivion of us in recent years has push herself further away from what we know about her. However, I don't think she receives my implications.....

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