Thursday, July 9, 2009

紐約公園交響樂 在草坪上野餐聽音樂

I just thought it is good to share this link with you. The atmosphere is great and I really would recommend it just to go once :)
enjoy and have a wonderful afternoon.


Friday, July 3, 2009


一、 中華民國(台灣)數個友邦駐聯合國代表團正招募實習人員,工作內容包括出席聯合國大會及主要委員會會議、撰寫紀錄及研析報告、協助代表團文書作業及其他交辦事項等。

二、 條件:

(一) 中華民國籍;具在美國合法工作資格,如OPT或綠卡。

(二) 英文能力(需聽、說、讀、寫均流利)。

(三) 具美國碩士學歷或研究所二年級科系,科系不拘,惟主修國際關係、法律者為佳。

(四) 工作期限:原則以本年8月至12月為主,視需要並將延長至隔年6月。能全職工作者最佳;若因課業或其他工作需要,一週至少需工作2個全天。
意者請將個人簡歷以電子郵件傳送至駐紐約台北經濟文化辦事處文化組(Alan Ng)之信箱:(。

Program Coordinator,Cultural Division
Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in New York

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Farewell, my friend

This drawing is for one of my best friends who will go back to Taiwan next month. We can never tell which one is better--stay or leave. The best we can do is to try to live an abundant life and help as many people as we could. Then, don't regret you have this life!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Keep fighting. Don't look back!

No one covers your back. As a sales representative, you have to learn everything yourself. It doesn't mean that nobody will help, but that you have to ask for help. Well, we all ask for help sometimes. However, the key point here is that you even have to find questions, because other sales won't tell you what you will face and what mistakes you shouldn't make. It's like fighting with hundreds of people without partners, and growing little by little while you finish each of them. Live, or die.
Is that true? No. Look at all the big companies that need bail-out. These so called winners all want tax payers' money to save their jobs. The analogy of market place as battle field extends only this far. It's time for us to help each other, watch others' back, and collaborate with others. It's about mutual benefit and symbiosis. Let the selfish guys fight with their own lives. No matter how strong they are, there is nothing but death waiting for them on the battle ground.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Be careful!

Women always say that most men are playboys. What about women themselves?

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Which one do you like?

Two types of funny ads: one is low-budget, old-style drama; one, extravagant special-effect farce. The Norwegian ad has an ordinary script, but the director of this ad turns it into an amazingly fun commercial. The cute girl's angry reaction, aroused the boy's unscrupulous remarks (against a cow), fulfills every little boy's desire to tease their girl friend. Simply idea, and very well executed. I would say the male character's performance is far better than the female character's, because he makes every female want to spit on his face.

Japanese melodrama might let you watch one more time; not because it is so funny, but because its special effects wow the viewers. More and more Japanese TV commercials are using digital effect to create surreal, comic-style parodies. In this ad, it is mixing the actions in The Matrix, JoJo, Lefty (寄生獸), etc. It has the same ordinary plot as the Norwegian ad, but the production company makes it work.

Are these two ads showing the cultural differences between Japan and Norway?

Saturday, January 24, 2009


Well, I feel pressure to find a job, so drawing is one of my way to release the pressure. Drawing human faces doesn't require much creativity. Quite a good way to while away your time.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


When facing obstacles, conflicts, uncertainty, and depression, how would you react? This is one of our darkest time, and the way you're facing them--circumvention, denial, or fight--determine your future.

Friday, January 2, 2009


When we face the injustice in society with our hands full of its products, we will start to doubt about ourselves. And what accompanies with this ambiguity is the self-consciousness of our guilt and shame. This process of self-doubt is what makes you a better person. Even you have to make a clear decision at certain levels in your life, the struggle for an unified self is what push us to have a greater understanding of our life and the world.

The Cup

This iron cup is all what its owner has.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Who can decide it?

I have been reading articles about the definition of public and private space for two weeks. Hannah Arendt thinks public space is where human beings can really be immortal, but people shouldn't bring issues about labor and worker into public sphere. Liberalists encourage everyone joins public space, but individuals have to remain neutral and to abandon issues about moral. Habermas also include everyone into public space in which everything can be discussed. However, the lack of separation between public and private, and his neglect of the methods to implement public participation have made his theory unattainable...

Ok, who care these shits? To be honest, even I know hundreds of reasons why the understanding of public and private space can benefit me, there is no use to talk about it. Writing this blog can be said as public participation, but hello, is there anyone who think we're participating public affairs through reading and writing blog posts?

When people don't have the rights to speak in public, they fight for it with their lives. But when finally they're free to speak in the public, they realize that they have nothing to say. Oh yeah, many bloggers will love to share with you about the countries they've been and the scrumptious food they've last night. I've definitely notice that the information about consumption on blogs is useful.

If no one is reading about this post, I would be really happy. After all, this is just one more useless string of electronic codes embedded in the hullabaloo of blogosphere.

Drawing at the back of an envelop

The image of the deul between 宮本武藏 and 吉岡清十郎 in 井上雄彥's comic was craved in my memory.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

There is no black and white

It has been two weeks since I last updated my blog. I am in a shock therapy--reading Naomi Klein's Shock Doctrine. This book shows us that free-market strategy is not working as well as what it claims. While the government favors multinational enterprises, sells its state-owned business, and boosts up stock market, millions people are suffering unemployment and poverty.

Living in Indonesia for seven years, I saw the disaster of free-market plan. Huge disparity of wealth existing in that country for decades. When everytime I sat in my father's Honda Accord watching people begging for money on street, I always asked myself: if I lived in poverty, can I still have the strength to study philosophy and arts? Can I still be an intellectual? For these questions, Naomi Klein provides some of her insights--free-market plan only benefits a few and harms the rest.

I am not totally agree with all what Klein has said. Not everything is black and white. State-owned corporations may indeed provide million jobs for people and bring wealth to the government, but it can also be used as a political weapon, banning those mavericks with different ideology from having a decent job as what we see in Venezuela. You can dicotomize our ploblems in society and choose to stand on one side--capitalism or communism, left-wing or right-wing, government regulation or laisserfaire--but this world is always more complicated than what we think.