Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Funniest Commercial This Month

Almost every month I will pick out what I think is the funniest commercial and put it on my blog.

This one is really good, because it shows our desire to do something evil. Pay attention to the movement of camera. It's brilliant. You never see the person who is holding the camera in the first 40 sec, but we get the idea of who is holding it and what's her character.

Here is the description of this commercial on the "A German hardware store promises a hefty reward to the best do-it-yourself project--and sets the stakes very high."

We're attacked by millions of messages everyday and our desire for more funny video clips is harder and harder to be satistied. I feel sad that I've to find an interesting video in ads, but maybe only ads can meet my expectation. I am going to amuse myself to death......

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