Sunday, March 16, 2008

A trip to Boston

Is it true that Boston Red Sox is the symbol of Boston City, so red becomes the representative color of the city? Or, is it the reddish-brown brick buildings and lobsters that make me connect red with Boston?

In Boston, I feel that New York City is blue simply because the color of Red Socks. Living in NYC, I don't realize the impact of New York Yankee on our media environment and the mythology of the city. Only until I saw the baseball caps with big, red, capital B appeal everywhere in Boston did I realize that sports teams has dominate the sensorium of American culture.

Creating the dualism of colors is not only a way of identify the differences between two cities, it is also a way to create a difference that builds on an image without any substance. How does Boston look like? might be a stupid question I've asked my when I drew the painting above. But the answer might not be so silly if you understand we are unconsciously imitating our surroundings. Boston looks like "red."


YiFaN ReN said...

hey buddy, it's a pretty cool picture! An abstract lobster/dragon combo figure?
went to Boston last year for the China Review conference in Harvard, it's a pretty big one, and i guess it's still going this year...
i still remember the extremely yummy lobster dish! i guess the restaurant is called Legal Seafood or sth, probably a very famous one.
if i have to pick a color, i guess Boston is more green than red to me, perhaps simply because i'm such a big Boston Celtics supporter rather than a Red Sox fan...

Peter Chu 朱澤人 said...
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Peter Chu 朱澤人 said...

I agree that green--the color of Boston Celtics--can be an alternative color of Boston. This prove my point--sports team dominate the cultural symbol of this country. And man, where is your blog? Where's that "elgoog" comes from?